Purchase the Official VCDHelp.com PAL Demo VCD - Step 3 (Australia)

page last updated: 28-Dec-2002 | current disc version: 1.0.1 | return | back to step 2

Price: $AU 15 + $AU 5 (postage and handling)
Please read the REFUND POLICY before purchase.

Step 3: Choose your method of payment

PayPal (preferred)

Click on the PayPal image on the left to make your purchase!

As PayPal accepts US (American) dollars only, I have converted the above Australian price into US dollars (at $AU 1 = $US 0.55).  Thus, the price through PayPal is $US 8.25 + $US 2.75 (P&H) or a total of $US 11.

Payment through PayPal is secure.  You can pay using your credit card or if you already have an account with PayPal, pay directly with any credit you have in your PayPal account.

You will need to provide for PayPal:

  1. credit card number (if you are paying with credit card)
  2. a valid e-mail address (I will send an electronic receipt to your e-mail address and any refunds, if required, are sent to this e-mail address)
  3. postal address (the postal address you want me to send the package to)



Click here to PAY NOW

Click on the PayMate image on the left to make your purchase!

PayMate accepts Australian dollars so the price is $AU 15 + $AU 5 (P&H) or a total of $AU 20.

Payment through PayMate is secure.  You can pay using your credit card or if you already have an account with PayMate, you can pay with an Australian Bank account as well.

Unfortunately, PayMate is not as slick as PayPal, so you will have to add a lot of information yourself:

  1. Email address of who you want to pay: vitualis@michaeltam.com
  2. Order item number: au-demovcd-pal
  3. Your credit card or PayMate details
  4. Payment currency: Australian Dollars
  5. Payment amount: 20

PayMate will charge you a small payment fee + GST on that payment fee.

Note: If you wish to use PayMate but do not want to enter those details as above yourself, you can send me an e-mail to <vitualis@michaeltam.com> with a valid e-mail address and I can send you an "e-Invoice" from PayMate.


Direct deposit You can make a direct deposit into my bank account.  I will send you the Official VCDHelp.com PAL Demo VCD after confirming payment.

If you want to choose this option, then you will need to e-mail me first at <vitualis@michaeltam.com> with your details and I will reply with the necessary banking details.  You will need to send me:

  1. valid e-mail address (I will send you an electronic receipt to this e-mail address)
  2. postal address


Other methods I will not accept other forms of payment in general (e.g., personal cheque, money order, COD).  If you wish to pay by some other method, then you will have to e-mail me first and I may be willing to accept depending on circumstance.


Michael Tam <vitualis (at) michaeltam.com>
anti-spam device - replace (at) with @ to send me e-mail

(c) 28 December, 2002