english    German   Version 1.07 of "GUI for dvdauthor/MuxMan" (GFD)

Features + Limits
Guide History


Overview: GFD was written primarily to get captured television broadcasts comfortably into a DVD conform format.  Naturally you can use the program also for MPG videos of other origins, however no typical functions for copying DVDs (e.g. ripp, transcode...) are contained.  To burn the final DVD use your favorite burning program, or simply that one, that was included with the DVD burner.  GFD provides only the necessary VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders (as well as the VOB and IFO files).  These can be burned with any DVD - burn program (UDF - ISO format). Problems with stand alone DVD players have occurred very rarely so far, however I can't give you a warranty. Since version 0.82 it is possible to burn also from GFD itself if Nero (version 5.5 or higher) is installed. Since version 0.99.2 also Imgburn is supported.

I tried to simplify the creation process for two typical cases as much as possible:

1.   One titleset with homogeneous movies (concerning resolution, aspect...) as one has it e.g. with series. Here only one main menu with a selection of the films is provided, without own chapter menus (chapter marks may be used nevertheless).

2.   Two (or more) titlesets with potentially different characteristics (concerning resolution, aspect...) per film. Here each film is put in its own titleset, where a chapter menu can be created (multi VTS DVD).

The program uses predominantly a drag & drop philosophy: Films (thus video streams), as well as chapters (in the titleset menus) are pulled on the menu background and can be positioned by drag with the left mouse button. With the right mouse button you may change some characteristics (font size, typeface, colors). Only the last added film can be deleted again  = stack principle. The entire structure is shown in the "explorer view" window. As background picture for the menus the file default.jpg from the GFD directory is used by default. You may overwrite this file with any own JPG file.
The whole program is pixel-oriented, therefore the window has a fixed size of 1000 x 700 pixels. In the SOURCE window you can start a preview of the video with a double click, here you can also create screen shots to be used as pictures in the menus. The preview is based on the Windows Media Player, therefore all restrictions are accordingly. In particular the time indicator is not correct (specially for elementary streams). The program accepts elementary streams (these are multiplexed with mplex during the final creation of the DVD) or ready multiplexed streams, however the streams have to be multiplexed with mplex and the - f 8 option, otherwise they will not be accepted by dvdauthor.
Since version 0.99.2 it is possible to use MuxMan to create a DVD. MuxMan accepts elementary streams in DVD compliant resolution only. But it is faster in this case. If dvdauthor or MuxMan should be used has to be set up before any video is imported.
The program creates batch files for all single steps, these may be edited and then started "by hand" in a DOS window (Create batch) otherwise these batch files are started from GFD itself (Create DVD). The messages from dvdauthor, spumux... are shown in a log window and also saved to a log file. If you like to know more about the syntax of the XML instruction files, have a look to the dvdauthor manual and doku or the MuxMan documentation on the mpucoder page respectively.

Features and Limits
- 4:3 + 16:9
- SingleVTS + MultiVTS (with MultiVTS you may use different resolutions on a single DVD - without patch)
- Elementary + Multiplexed Video streams (mpv, m2v, m1v, mp2, ac3, dts, mpg, vob)
- Elementary Videostreams may be requantized (mpeg2 only!)
- 'Audio only' titles (for music DVDs form mp2 or ac3 audio files)
- Free definable fonts and colors (also for highlights)
- Movie preview
- Menu preview
- Chapter editor
- Chapter menus
- Animated menus (using Avisynth + DGMPGDec and HCenc or QuEnc)
- Audiomenus (advanced mode only)
- Subtitlemenus (advanced mode only)
- 'Switched' menus (advanced mode only)
- Transitions between menus (advanced + animated mode only)
- Intro

- 50 Pictures per menu
- 50 Animations per menu
- 36 Buttons per menu
- 36 Free text labels per menu
- 98 Video titles (+ 1 Intro)
- 96 'Audio only' titles per audio titleset (one audio titleset replaces one video title)
- 50 Pages for Main menu (VTVM menu)
~ 1000 Menus in total (>180 not tested)
Multiplexed video streams must contain navigation packets

If you have problems with the installation like this:

Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like setup to update these files for you now. You will need to restart Windows before you can run setup again. Click cancel to exit setup without updating system files.

please click cancel install VBRun60SP6 first, then retry the installation of GFD afterwards.

For installation I would recommend the following:
- 'Beginners package': Unzip and install Avisynth with SetupAvisynth.exe, then start SetupGFD.exe.
- 'By Setup': Unzip and run the SetupGFD.exe program.
- 'By Hand install': Install first the dvdauthor windows binaries (as well as MuxMan.exe if you want to use it) in a directory of your choice and put the files from GUIforDvdauthor.zip into the same directory. You may choose a different directory also if you set the correct path to the dvdauthor.exe in the default settings of GFD.
Remark: The conspawn.exe file is only necessary for W98/ME and should be ignored for W2k or XP or Vista.
If you use W98/ME you must put the conspawn.exe file into your windows home directory in order to run GFD properly.

If you get an error with 'Save/Load Project' you may need the updated XML Parser from Microsoft.

If you want to use animated menus, a correctly installed Avisynth (version 2.5.7 or higher), the mpeg decoding package DGMPGDec and an encoder HC (version 0.19 or higher) or QuEnc (version 0.71 or higher) are necessary (if you use the 'Beginners package' these programs are automatically installed during the GFD setup).
DGIndex, DGDecode and HCenc/QuEnc have to be installed in the same directory as the dvdauthor windows binaries.
The HC encoder is usually named with version (like HCenc_019.exe, HCenc_020.exe...) To use HC with GfD rename the program to HCenc.exe (independent from the version).

After the first start of GFD click on "Default Settings" and check at least the path to the dvdauthor.exe program. Furthermore you can select some other default settings, e.g. output path, the standard character font, colors, appearance of buttons... There are a few settings (whether you want to use titlesets or not, PAL or NTSC, dvdauthor or MuxMan...) which cannot be changed after the first video is imported (except you delete the film again).
Also very important is the output directory. You may select one or create a new one. Please make sure that this directory has enough space (~5GB for a full DVD; if you use elementary streams: 10 GB)

You should test the program with a few short streams in the beginning! No function warranty!

Download: GUIforDvdauthor normal setup (5.2MB; dvdauthor + MuxMan included, GDI+ and VB Runtime necessary))
GUIforDvdauthor full install (7.3MB - incl. VB-runtime, dvdauthor, MuxMan and GDI+)
GUIforDvdauthor EXE (and help) only (2.9MB; VB Runtime, GDI+, dvdauthor windows binaries and MuxMan necessary)

Update to version 1.07 (from version 0.88 or later)
GUIforDvdauthor107 EXE only (1.3MB contains only the new GUI_DVDauthor.exe, ChapEditGFD.exe, GFDGifTool.exe, sub2png.exe, and conspawn.exe; conspawn.exe is only for W98/ME)
Changes are described in History
Remark: You should also update the dvdauthor windows binaries to version 0.6.14-GfD-2A!
For animated menus also an update for Avisynth (version 2.5.7), DGIndex (version 1.4.8), QuEnc (version 0.71) and/or HCEnc (version 0.20) may be necessary.

Some example Gif files (to be used as masks or buttons within GFD):
GifMasks.zip (0.8MB)

Example: (click to enlarge picture)

ButtonKollektion1.zip (0.7MB)
Example: (click to enlarge picture)

ButtonKollektion2.zip (0.7MB)
Example: (click to enlarge picture)

ButtonKollektion3.zip (0.7MB)
Example: (click to enlarge picture)

Kollektion4 (GifMask_White_Grey_Blue.zip) (1.2MB)
Example: (click to enlarge picture)

Thx to Rainer (PinnacleFanBoard) for all these collections!

Remark: To use these collections unzip the gif files into the \GUI for dvdauthor\GifMask directory (GifMask subfolder of your GfD installation directory). Since version 1.05 you may also use any other directory and enter this directory in the GfD settings.

Dvdauthor + Mjpegtools windows binaries (mingw) version 0.6.14-GfD-2A: Dvdauthor_winbin (2.1MB) Thx to ssbssa for this version!
Remark: This version includes some "unofficial" patches see History!

The changed source code is now maintained by ssbssa. You can download a script with all patches here: dvdauthor-0.6.14-GfD-2
Source code of sup2png: sup2png_src.zip
Sup2png is a VB6 port of pxsup2dast. It uses GDI+ to compress the png files, is more stable and supports all 16 colors with variable transparency.

Required: GDI+ (already included in WinXP and Vista, for W2k/W98/ME the necessary DLL may be downloaded from MS:
Redistributable GDI+ (the GDI+ dll is also already contained in the 'Full install' and the 'Beginners package' downloads)
For animated menus you will need: Avisynth (version 2.5.7 or higher), DGMPGDec (version 1.4.8 or higher) and HC encoder (version 0.20 or higher) or QuEnc (version 0.71 or higher).

Beginners package:
This package includes all necessary files, but please only download it if you really need all these files/programs.
(For Vista/WinXP/W2k/W98: With VB-Runtime, dvdauthor, MuxMan, HCenc, Avisynth, DGMPGDec, GDI+)
GUIforDvdauthor XP install (10.0MB)

Other recommended software (not necessary to run GFD but useful)
VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod
Mpeg2Schnitt or Cuttermaran 
Media Player Classic (i.e. to check the final DVD structure before burning)

For 3D-Text and/or animations (no freeware, but you may use the BluffTitler Demo without a time limit):
Cool 3D or BluffTitler


Version 1.07 includes the following bugfixes:
- Bugfix: CPU dependency (crash on some CPUs) for mjpegtools (png2yuv, mplex...) removed (THX ssbssa)
- Bugfix: Error for mplex: "Need to split output but there appears to be no %d in the filename pattern" removed (THX ssbssa)

Version 1.06 includes the following bugfixes
- Bugfix: Updated syntax for the new imgburn version (
- Bugfix: Install packages include the new mingw version of dvdauthor

Version 1.05 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix: Better algorithm for the button autorouter in MuxMan mode
- Bugfix: Wrong warning for some (long) mpg/vob files: SCR moves backwards!
- Bugfix: Sometimes sup2png has created subs with 'negative duration'
- Bugfix: Frame type highlights were cropped from right and bottom side
- Bugfix: Loop for animated menus was reset (if deactivated in the Add menu dialog)
- Bugfix: Very short GOPs (i.e. if  'frame accurate' cutting was done with cuttermaran) created jerking on the final DVD (dvdauthor only)
- Changed logik for Mainsubmenus in MuxMan mode: After the film is finished, the 'calling' Mainsubmenu (where the filmbutton was added)  is loaded (in prior versions always the mainmenu)
- Transitions between menus can be created: Crossfade or fade in/fade out (or user edited avisynth script)
- Alingment and distribution tool for selected objects (similar functionality as in usual drawing programs)
- An additional own gifmask folder may be used (the folder location is saved in the project file)
- Subtitles in SST format (i.e from MaestroSBT) can be used in MuxMan mode
- Text effect: Outline (with variable color) can also be used for buttons
- You can turn of the NTSC timecode correction (drop frame/non drop frame) for chapters (dvdauthor only)
- The default 'Loop' for animated menus may be turned off in the default project settings
- New dvdauthor package. The package was compiled by ssbssa with mingw, therefore no cygwin is required any more.
- New option: ForceSCR; Forces dvdauthor to continue even when a 'SCR moves backwards' error is encountered.
- Some improvements for ChapEditGFD
-- The last position is shown again after automatic chapter creation (or activation of chapter icons)
-- Bugfix: Chapter icons of manually added chapters were not deleted after automatic chapter creation

Version 1.04 includes the following bugfix:
- The size indicator was disabled

Version 1.03 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix: Clips (on animated menus) were not alway updated if the video was replaced
- Bugfix: Requantized video files were not deleted (in muxman mode only) if delete temp files was activ
- Bugfix: Check for overlapping buttons (in muxman mode only) not 'failsafe'
- Bugfix: ChapEditGFD now checks if a chapter is already defined
- Bugfix: If you double click on a chapter button, no option was selected -> Crash
- Bugfix: If only one chapter (not 00:00:00) was defined in ChapEditGFD, this was not transferred to GfD
- New text effect: Outline (with variable color)
- In dvdauthor mode VOB files may be used directly (no rename to mpg necessary)
- 4:3/16:9 Menu aspect ratio may be changed per titleset (Menu-background-dialog for a TitlesetXXMenu)
- 96KHz wav files can be used (Audiotitlesets with MuxMan only)
- In dvdauthor mode you may specify a 'stream offset' for subtitles (useful if the mpg/vob file already contains subtitle streams)
- Update of HCEnc (to version 0.21)
- Update of MuxMan (to version 0.15R)

Version 1.02 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix: Some SA DVD Players had navigation problems (buttons doesn't work on menus created with MuxMan)
- UOPs may be set for titles and menus (MuxMan only)
- The menu type (audiomenu, subtitlemenu...) can be changed in the menu background dialog
- New timecode concept for NTSC: All timecodes in GfD (durations, chaptermarks...) are in 'real time' now
-- If the timecodes in the mpeg video are NTSC non drop frame, these are converted to 'real time'
-- Chapter marks should now fit better to the given timings (not perfect, i.e. for streams with pull down flags, but better...)
-- No 'wrong' warning for NTSC non drop frame mpeg files (Inconsistent Timecodes! SCR<>GOP)
- Some improvements for ChapEditGFD
-- The last frame set with the slider 'stays' if you release the mouse button
-- The timecode shown as tooltip on the slider is 'real time'
-- Chapter marks can be shown as icons below the slider for better 'visualization'
- New dvdauthor package (0.6.14)
- Update of HCEnc (to version 0.20)
-- Changed the start policy for HC: The encoder is started as HCEnc.exe (independent from the version)
-- If you use an own downloaded version of HC, copy it into the dvdauthor path and rename it to HCenc.exe

Version 1.01 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix: Videos could not be inserted from the root directory of a drive
-- (The error: 'No sequence header found' was raised)
- Copy to clipboard function for normal menu preview (not for 'AVS preview)
-- (Can be used to create 'transitions' with external programs

Version 1.00 includes to many new functions, therefore only some are mentioned:
- MuxMan can be used as alternative 'authoring engine'
- Playlists for chapters (or titles of an Audiotitleset)
- PlayAll button
- Pre/post command editor
- Blur for menus and background of Audiotitlesets
- ImgBurn support
- Iso-image creation
- Block and shadow effects for free text
- New dvdauthor package (0.6.13-GfD-1)
-- Includes these new patches: -w to supress some warnings; ensure vobunits have pts with at least 0.4 seconds
- Update of scripting for animated menus:
-- (DGIndex 1.4.8, Avisynth 2.5.7, QuEnc 0.71, HCEnc 0.19)

Version 0.99 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:

- Settings may be changed without saving (IMPORTANT!)

-- If you click on OK within the default settings dialog, the settings are used for the current project only (or until you close GFD respectively). Only if 'Save' is clicked, the settings are saved in the registry.

- Settings may also be saves as 'presets'. This enables you to change settings for different kinds of menus (main/chapter) quite fast. Only reasonable settings are saved/loaded (no permanent or general project)

- New help system (context sensitive)

- Hide button for hidden formatting of automatically added buttons (like back-buttons)

-- Hidden formatted buttons are not created at all (neither in the png nor in the XML files)

- Fixed a bug for repositioning of buttons with underlying graphic

- Timeline is shown and fast forward/reverse possible for audio only titlesets

-- Thanks to C. Patel who created a small program (insnav) to add the necessary navigation packs

- Insnav may also be used for still menus with audio => better 'behavior' on some (but not all) SA players

- New size presets (better fit / less interlace artifacts)

- New setting: No menus (in response to many requests...)

-- For single VTS no menus are created at all; for multi VTS empty (black) dummy mpegs are used (at least Nero rises an error otherwise), but these are never shown (jumped over)

-- If 'no menus' is activated, advanced mode and animations are disabled and the start/end actions are automatically set to 'Play movie' and 'Next title'

- Bugfix for the bitrate setting for menu backgrounds

- Bugfix for file select dialogs (these were wrongly show empty at the first start)

- Moving of elements (Buttons/Images/Animations) with cursor-keys possible

-- Use shift + cursor-keys to move elements with raster

- New check box: Loop with jump menu (fixes the shortening of loops for PowerDVD and some SA players)

- New check box (video file dialog): Autostart subtitle - starts the movie with the first subtitle stream switched on

- ChapEdit uses white as standard color within the crop settings (usually you want to get rid of black borders... easier visible now)

- ChapEdit has a new check box: 'Create as 00:00:00.000'

-- Only selectable with 'No chapters' also checked and automatically untagged after usage.
May be used to save a clip or image as videofile_00_00_00.000.bmp/vob to avoid the (often only black) start frame. Should be used AFTER automatic chapter methods, otherwise the 'special' videofile_00_00_00.000.bmp/vob is overwritten with the 'standard' one

- Bugfix for switched menus with more than 5 buttons

- The highlight type: 'Gifmask only' may be set as default within the settings

- Faster loading for complex projects (Thanks to Hardy 'Traceman'!)
- You can save a 'global' log file to log all 'CreateDVD' runs (only project name, output folder, contained video files and status are written)

- New compiled dvdauthor package (0.6.12-alpha-2992-GfD-5) which fixes the 11000 seconds bug (prior version crashed with videos longer than 11000 seconds ~ 3 hours and 5 minutes)

Version 0.98 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Wrong additional   <subpicture> sections for 16:9 submenus removed
- & character in button/label texts possible
- Change of source directory is considered in add image/animation dialogs also
- For long filenames horizontal scrolling is enabled in the add image/animation/audio dialogs
- Resize of images can optionally be done 'proportional'
- Fixed an error for file name interpretation if a video file is replaced
- Warning if looping animated menus without anim. elements are found
- Requant size may be given as percentage also
- Bitrate/Sampl.freq./duration info for audio files in AC3 format added
- Delete all function for texts/images/free-/chapterbuttons of a menu
- Free definable raster size (as default and/or per menu)
-- Change: The point grid is always visible if tv safe area is shown
- Chapterbuttons may be added 'automatically' according to a definable grid (columns/rows/spacing)
- New type: Audiotitleset (titleset with audio files only)

Version 0.97.1 includes the following bugfixes: - Bugfix for 'Switched menus' (no function without GifMask buttons again)
- Bugfix for interpretation of command line parameters
- New compiled dvdauthor package (0.6.12-alpha-2992-GfD-4)
-- Just a technical update using the new cygwin version 1.5.18 (old version crashed on some systems)

Version 0.97 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Better support for subtitles in SUP format (using sup2png)
-- More stable, all 16 colors supported, variable transparency support
- New compiled dvdauthor package (0.6.12-alpha-2992-GfD-3)
- Subtitle palette is checked for compatibility with RGB colors
- For animated menus the HC encoder (batch version 0.15) is used by default
-- No buffer underrun errors for 'critical backgrounds'
-- QuEnc may still be used if you select it in the settings
- GfD 'remembers' its last window position
- The author.xml file may be formatted with comments
-- This simplifies editing as the GfD internal menu names are used

Version 0.96 includes the following bugfixes/new functions: - Support for subtitles in SUP format (using pxsup2dast)
- New compiled dvdauthor package  (0.6.12-alpha-2992-GfD-2)
-- Free definable colors for subtitles (new spumux version necessary)
-- Support for subtitle palette files (IFO/PAL/RGB format)
- Free definable iso volume name (if you use the internal Nero burning feature)
- Bugfix for the error message: Avisynth plugin not found (was also raised if quenc was missing)
- Bugfix for button highlight (now always button 1024 is set if not otherwise stated)
- Bugfix for reading of gfd files (crash if drive not found)
- Bugfix for postaction of mainsubmenus
- Bugfix for length of animations (often to short if multiplexed material was used - also concerns ChapEditGFD)
- Bugfix for resize of graph. buttons (in autogroup mode)

Version 0.95.1 includes the following bugfixes

- Bugfix for 'Switched menus' (no function without GifMask buttons)

- Bugfix for HTML format of help files

Version 0.95 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:

- New designed user interface (more 'intuitively' - more 'windows conform')

-- GFD has a menu bar now (functions are easier to access)

-- Changed 'philosophy': Text/Images/Animations... are no longer added by Drag&Drop, but after selection of the 'tool' with a simple left click (like in most 'Paint' type programs). Movies and Chapterbuttons may still be added with Drag&Drop

-- With 'GoTo' from the menu bar you may access your already created menus quickly

-- Properties of the currently selected element may be changed by using 'Format' from the menu bar

-- Status bar for the most important settings (Single/Multi VTS, Start/End Action...)

-- Graphical indicator (green/yellow/red bar) for the actual project size

- Menu layouts can be copied from one menu to another
- Support for 'Switched menus'
- Adjustable delay for the button highlight
- 'Highlight only' for GifMasks (the GIF file is not shown at all, but only used for the highlight)
- Bugfix for replacing of images

Version 0.93 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Recompiled conspawn.exe as the 'old' was considered as a virus from AVK (THX Liquid!)
- New Resize functions:
--  The size of the presets can be adjusted according to the aspect ratio (like for 16:9 screenshots)
--  In addition some more presets are available which depend on the size of the original image (and keep the aspect ratio of the original)
--  Button that consist of a 'GifMask' only have size presets that depend on the size of the original GIF (and keep the aspect ratio)
--  If a button with underlying graphic is rescaled, the underlying graphic is rescaled too (if 'Autogroup' is switched on)
- The last added video may be deleted by removing the correspondent 'Filmbutton'
- If a project file from someone else (or an 'old' own file) is loaded, GFD tries to find the resources in your own defined folders (OutDir, Source directory...)
- Bugfix for adding 'free' buttons (if you cancel the dialog, no button is created now)
- Bugfix for timecode calculation (SCR is used in addition to GOP timecodes for multiplexed streams)

Version 0.92 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:

- Preview for the final DVD structure before burning (Soft Player like MediaPlayerClassic, WinDVD or PowerDVD6 required)

- Buttons in 16:9 menus are now correct (letterboxed without Highlight displacement) on 4:3 TVs

   (special letterboxed versions of the Highlight/Selected buttons are automatically created)
- Integrated Editor (with syntax highlight) to edit the Author.xml file before DVD creation
  (also other control files like *.xml, *.bat and *.avs may be edited)
- VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders are written in an own DVD folder
  (avoids problems for preview with WinDVD and image creation with imgtool)
- Each menu activates a button highlight (normally button1) to avoid problems with some sa players like Pioneer DV-470

- The file extension .gfd is registrated (only by 'Setup install' - if you do a 'By Hand install', you need to do it yourself). Thus *.gfd files may be started (loaded) with a doubleclick within the Windows Explorer (or another file manager)
- The current project (if already saved/loaded) is shown in the title bar

Version 0.91 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix for end action=next title for multipage main menus
- Bugfix for wrong 'autoincrement' transparency in Def. Settings
- Bugfix for picture/animations if these are in a root directory (like C:\ or D:\...)
- Bugfix for the Avisynth script generation (sometimes deleted + reinserted Buttons were at wrong positions)
- Bugfix for ChapEditGFD (with one chapter every XX minutes there was often one missing)
- Selectable Number of Frames for still menus (some stand alone players (Pioneer) have problems with only one frame)
- new (external) tool for simple converting of (transparent!) animated GIF in 32 bit AVI files
  can also be used to convert one BMP picture to GIF (e.g. for GifMasks) or several BMP files to AVI (also with transparency)
- new compiled dvdauthor packed: 
  Use 16bps for mp2 audio as standard (repairs problems with some sa players like Medion 7457)
  Use nopanscan for 16:9 films (standard is also for commercial DVDs)
  New spumux syntax for Windows98/ME (repairs the 2GB limit for videos with subtitles)
- compatibility with W98/ME improved (CreateDVD runs now)

Version 0.89 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix for project reload with multipage main menus
- Own directories for images/animations/audios
- Preset sizes for graph. elements in the default settings

Version 0.88 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Multi page main menu (up to 10 pages)
- Thereby rising the max. number of titles to 98
- New Installer (NSIS based)
- Position indicator during drag&drop
- Fixed a bug for masks (in submenus)
- Fixed a bug for back-button (in submenus)

Version 0.87.1 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Update of spumux (the spumux contained in version 0.87 had problems with text based subtitles)

Version 0.87 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Fixed an important bug for animated menus in NTSC (older versions used the wrong FPS rate!)
- Update of QuEnc (version 0.59 beta 2 included in the 'Beginners package', min. version 0.55 required)
- Update of dvdauthor binaries to version 0.6.12-alpha-2992

Version 0.86 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Multilanguage (German and English ATM, if someone likes to translate the program to another language contact me in one of the support boards)
- AutoCrop + AutoChapter
- New button concept:
-- Masks and round buttons (using transparent gif files)
-- Graphical buttons with automatically added labels
-- Collision test (if bottons overlap, an error is raised)
- Newdesign of the Default Settings dialog (a lot of new settings...)
- Newdesign of the Menu-Background dialog
- (Simple) Templates possible
- The properties of clips/images with overlayed button may be accessed with Shift (or Ctrl or Alt) + right mouseclick
- The buttons in ChapEditGFD are now "autorepeating" (hold button longer than 0.3 sec)
- Update of dvdauthor binaries to Version 0.6.11 (Thx to liquid217 videohelp.com forum)

Version 0.83 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Temp directory for all files generated by a 'Create DVD' run
   This temp directory may be automatically deleted after finish
- Preview is moved into a separate program (GFDDSView).
   This allows you to use other programs (WMP, VirtualDubMod...) too
- Bugfix for reload of the 'Video and Audio file' dialog (for videos > 1 GB)
- Commandline parameters
- Automatic and manual burn facility (using Nero)
- (Log-) windows may be minimized during DVD creation process
- The "BackButton" is now by default the last one of a menu
- Better picture quality for still menus (GFD now uses png2yuv instead of jpg2yuv)
- In ChapEditGFD it is possible to save just pictures (without creation of chaptermarks)

Version 0.80 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix for reload of the 'Video and Audio file' dialog (ntsc framerates)
- Elementary Videostreams may be requantized (mpeg2 only!)

Version 0.79.1 includes the following bugfix
- Fixed an error for calculating the 'Total size' if  the 'Video and Audio file' dialog was reloaded

Version 0.79 includes the following bugfixes/new functions: 
- Free definable buttons in the main menu
- Better selection of allowed actions
- Updated documentation (I forgot about it for Version 0.78)

Version 0.78 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfix for reload of the 'Video and Audio file' dialog if 10 or more titles are contained
- New installation concept: Now all installation packages include the dvdauthor binaries,
   except the 'EXE only' and 'Update' downloads
- The pause after a menu may be specified. (In prior version this was fixed to 'inf' = infinite)
   Use Right-click on the menu background to change.
- The default action after a menu may be specified. Useful to create 'Autostart' DVDs:

Version 0.77 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Bugfixes in the Video and Audio file dialog
- Bugfix in the format dialog for subtitles (for non PAL framerates)
- Added language tags (for audio and subtitles)
- Autogroup for graphical buttons
- Autoadd images/clips for chapters

Version 0.75 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:

- New Chaptereditor/Previewer (ChapEditGFD)
- Videostream may be 'exchanged' within the 'Video + Audiofile dialog'

- TV Safe Area may be shown

- Extended Crop syntax (either symmetric: One number of pixels all around, or asym.: left, top, -right, -bottom)
- Bugfix for looping menus using SingleVTS
- Bugfix for preview (in NTSC 16:9 menus)

Version 0.7 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Submenus (also for subtitles, language selection...)
- Free defined buttons (not for the VMGM menu)

- You may change of the Z-order for images, buttons, animations...
- A "master batch" file is created.

Version 0.6 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Animated menus (AviSynth and QuEnc necessary)
- Intro movie
- You can select that the next film is played directly (without return in the main menu) for multi VTS also.
Version 0.5 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- New dialog for the menu background (right-click).  Here an audio file can be inserted -> menus with sound.
   In addition the output directory is used as default for the 'open image' dialog. 
- In case you use Windows in 'HighColor (16 bit colors)' mode, Frame - type buttons did not work - > fixed
- Frame - type buttons can be rounded. 
- Graphic buttons can be created by default. The necessary pictures should be created and inserted before;
   afterwards drag & drop the MPEG files directly on the appropriate image.
- In Nero there was an error if no titlesets were used, since no VTS_01_0.VOB file was present.
  - > an empty (black) picture is created, so that Nero is content (you will never see this picture anyway...) 
- If no titlesets are used, you can select that the next film is played directly (without return in the main menu)
- The picture added last (or free text) can be deleted from the context menu (right-click). 
- The default text for the (automatically created) 'back - button' in titleset menus can be selected. 
- For MP2 audio files additional information (bit rate, duration...) is shown.
- Improved algorithm for the calculation of the multiplex overhead for elementary video (and audio) streams.
- In case the prior used output directory has been deleted, the next higher level directory is used by default (except the next higher level is the root directory)

Version 0.4 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- Preview for menus
- Save and load project possibilities
- Some special effects for buttons
- Custom size images
- Check for Navigation packs in mpg files
- Formatting for subtitles

Version 0.02 includes the following bugfixes/new functions:
- In the "add image" dialog it was not possible to change the drive/path
- If a "Create DVD" is done you will be asked if the folder VIDEO_TS should be deleted
- If you use titlesets (multi VTS) you may select if the chapter menu will be shown first ("Show menu") or start the movie directly ("Play movie"). Further you may select to jump either to the main menu or to the chaptermenu ("Titleset menu") after the movie
- For the calculation of the "TotalSize" a mux overhead of 8% is assumed