Kiss DejaVu Enc
"Reclaim your life!"
What is Kiss DejaVu Enc?
Kiss DejaVu Enc is an ffmpeg GUI with a twist. Kiss can be used to re-encode
DVB/DBS recorded mpegs or any mpeg to DVD-complaint MPEGs or audio and video streams.
Here's the twist. Use Kiss to upload video straight to your YouTube
account. Even use it to send your favorite music video to your mp3 player. Kiss
also works great as a batch encoder, demuxer, or commercial or scene marker. Kiss
automatically creates a Cutterman project file (*.cfp) and a GUI for dvdauthor project
file (*.gfd). Kiss Uses ffmpeg as the encoder engine, Comskip as the
automatic commercial detection engine, and ffmpeg again as a demuxing engine.
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This application, like most freeware apps, was coded by an individual (not a corporation)
with limited time and resources. So please help keep freeware free by contributing.
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