Menu Viewer


This shows all the key elements of the Menu Viewer.

·         Click on the button’s command to edit it with the Command Editor.  Note:  If the command is questionable (for example, a set command with no link or a NOP), it will be highlighted in yellow and a message will appear, which you should read.

·         Either click on Jump to Target or middle click on the menu button to jump to where the command is pointing (highlighted in light blue when you select a button) – in this case PGCN 19.

·         If the PGC has more than one program, you can click on the program selector/info bar at the top of the display to go to other programs.  You may also use the < and > buttons to the left of the selector bar (available only when there are several cells in the PGC) to display the previous or next cell.

·         The clipboard menu allows you to copy and paste the command associated with the selected button

·         The Image buttons enable you to go through motion menus (the l< button will return you to the first I-frame which has buttons).  Right click on the < or > to go through motion menus rapidly

·         Use the cursor “arrow” keys (ß à á â) on your keyboard to emulate the navigation buttons on your remote.  It is important to check if the buttons are correctly linked together, especially if you have deleted, hidden or created a button; or manually modified the adjacent links (see later).  Otherwise, some buttons might be inaccessible when using the remote on a real standalone player.